Free shipping for orders $95 and over
Free shipping for orders $95 and over
How do I place an order with shipping outside the U.S.A.?
You should send an e-mail message to:
Your message should contain which product(s) and number of each product, your complete name, and your complete shipping address...
By return e-mail, we will advise the total product and shipping cost...
All payment will be required in U.S. Dollars...
Methods of payment include either PayPal or Money Order...
NOTE: PayPal is the quickest and easiest method of payment... If you choose this method, you will receive an electronic PayPal invoice from us. You do not need to be a member of PayPal and there is no cost to you for using PayPal. At the PayPal check-out, you will also have the option of using a personal credit card if you prefer.